...ever...ever...ever...forever and ever...ever...ever...ever....

Thursday, April 12, 2012

3rd day date with you.....

honestly... i lie again..... i mean... i am not lying. .. just there is really a sudden change of the emotion about the same thing you do to me.......

the time you say you really got a feeling towards me.....
the time you say when you see me sad face.. you are more sad....

well.. in the begining... i am happy..
i mean... at least... someone got a feeling and this someone is also that someone that i got a feeling with.....
plus... sharing with someone i love, i like about my emotions..... is happy....

but then.....
i am crying.....
is not because i am angry, sad or anything negative....

i just crying......

asking myself....

when is the last time that someone you really love.... say this 2 things together to you? in the same day?? .....


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